Learn more about contributing to Collectible Limited Editions of the Original Zohar
• 3 Volume Set
• Serial Number
• Reprinted in Italy
• Less than 200 left
At OneThirtySeven.org, we're all about infusing this world with the Supernal Force of the Zohar for one great singular mission: End chaos, pain and death itself!
Here's a sampling of our game plan:
Digitize the Original 1558 Zohar: Making this ancient book of awesome Light downloadable for FREE, so it goes viral, like your favorite cat meme.
Craft a Mind-Blowing Prologue: Connecting the dots between the Zohar, Jesus, Science, with world-changing secrets never made public.
New Pocket Zohar—“The Messiah Edition": This mini pocket-sized Messiah edition is packed with all the extraordinary sections of the original 1558 Zohar that reveal the secrets of the Messiah. This is the Zohar on steroids Why? Each mini “Messiah Zohar” radiates the actual Light of Redemption. It will include English commentary disclosing wondrous secrets and clear explanations in a prologue and throughout the book.
Launch Billy Phillips’ New Podcast Series: Bringing you engaging and enlightening discussions, interviews, and the most incredible secrets of all time, to make the Zohar's wisdom accessible and entertaining.
By sharing this Zohar, we're not just spreading knowledge; we're unleashing the very Light and energy that accelerates the Messiah's arrival. The Zohar teaches that disseminating its wisdom to all nations is a precondition for igniting the coming of the Messiah. Think of this supercharged Messiah Edition as the Zohar on steroids—turbocharging the path to redemption.